Possible uses
1. Information boards: Digital signage screens can serve as information boards that provide the public with important information about services, events, or announcements.
2. Front-end system: Kiosks can be used to organize queues, which can improve efficiency and customer satisfaction.
3. Interactive maps and navigation: Digital signage can provide interactive maps and navigation for visitors to public buildings such as town halls, libraries or museums.
4. Feedback and reviews: Kiosks can be used to get feedback from the public, which can help improve services.
5. e-Government services: Digital signage kiosks can provide access to e-government services, allowing the public to complete various administrative tasks electronically.
6. Educational materials: Screens can be used to present educational materials or to provide information on public services and policies.
7. Emergency notices: If necessary, digital signage screens can be used to quickly disseminate emergency notices or warnings to the public.